East London Voice Clinic

Located in Haggerston and Deptford, ELVC is a specialised voice clinic offering voice rehabilitation, vocal massage and laryngeal manual therapy. Our services cater to a diverse clientele, including professional singers, actors, musicians, voice-over artists, and individuals experiencing voice-related issues. At ELVC we help you to rediscover the power and clarity of your voice.

What We Do

Laryngeal Manipulation and Vocal Massage are often used to enhance vocal health and support vocal rehabilitation by releasing muscles around the larynx, whether you’re recovering from a voice issue or as part of a vocal health maintenance strategy

Regular sessions can identify early vocal problems and optimise your vocal mechanism, reducing the risk of injury significantly.

For professional singers and voice users, we recommend incorporating treatments into your routine during rehearsals, between performances, and post-tours. Our goal is to minimise vocal fatigue and reduce recovery time.

We nurture a supportive community in our practice that extends beyond the traditional clinic setting. Our holistic approach emphasises health and self-management for patients of all backgrounds and ages, with a focus on supporting performing artists. You can expect treatment that is pain-free and tailored to your individual vocal needs.

What can we help with?

  • Loss of range or smooth transitions between vocal registers

  • Jaw and tongue root tension (including TMJ-D)

  • Vocal tiredness or fatigue

  • Neck, shoulder and back tension

  • Globus Pharyngeus or a sense of a ‘lump’ in the throat

  • Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) Symptoms

  • Difficulty swallowing or swallowing disorders

  • Freeing up the belt voice quality

  • Muscle Tension Dysphonia


  • A vocal massage treatment encompasses gentle manipulation of the neck, jaw, and occasionally the tongue, complemented by laryngeal manipulation, aimed at relieving tension and optimising vocal function. It proves invaluable for mitigating strain resulting from vocal injuries, as well as for sustaining vocal health between performances, throughout tours, or as part of regular maintenance. Additionally, during sessions, we offer guidance on vocal technique, and provide self-guided exercises to help you maintain vocal health at home.

    We start with an initial consultation to tailor the treatment to your needs.

    Occasionally follow up vocal massage treatments can include massage of the back and shoulders, if required.

    **NOTE - Do not arrange a vocal session on the same day as any performance, if you have not previously had one. As you need to know how your body and voice responds to treatment.

  • A laryngeal manual therapy session uses gentle techniques to manipulate the muscles around the larynx, enhancing vocal function. These sessions can be booked separately or integrated into a full vocal massage appointment.

    **NOTE - Do not arrange a vocal session on the same day as any performance, if you have not previously had one. As you need to know how your body and voice responds to treatment.

  • Our tour support services offer specialised treatments designed to keep performers at their best while on the road. Whether it's relieving tension accumulated during rigorous performances or maintaining vocal health throughout a tour, our tailored treatments ensure optimal vocal performance and comfort, wherever your tour takes you.

    Please contact us for pricing: info@eastlondonvoiceclinic.com

  • Discover the convenience of our online self-guided vocal massage and coaching sessions. Perfect for those unable to visit in person, these tailored sessions provide expert guidance and support after an initial consultation.


Please contact for day rates for touring shows and home visits.
